
Hi, I'm Shelley and I'm the travel agent behind All Good Vibes Vacations! I'm often asked why I'm so passionate about travel, and it all started with my childhood. Growing up in NY, my family would take the same 2-week vacation to Canada every year. As much as I looked forward to it, I knew there was so much more out there to explore. My dad wanted to take some "bucket list" trips when he retired, but sadly he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease before he got the chance. This inspired me to make travel a priority for my own family, and now I'm helping others do the same. Travel doesn't have to be just for the wealthy or wait until retirement. With the right planning and budgeting, you can make amazing vacations happen now and take the kids along too! Exposing your children to new places is invaluable, and I cannot stress enough how important it is. So don't wait - start making memories now and travel more. Life is short, so live it!